this was absolutely incredible, maybe my favorite thing you’ve written ❤️❤️

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tysm pranay!! 💌

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Looking out at the Toronto snow and thinking about New England snow and about moose as plural entities now 😌🤍 thanks for this

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One of the things in my toolkit for depressive episodes, has been to put my finger on a map - ANYwhere, then research where my finger landed. The distraction being the therapy.... spiriting me away. THIS piece of writing was like doing that: in words, emotions, social history..... a viscerally vicarious feel for place.... thank you. I feel deliciously informed

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by charlie squire

Can’t stop rereading it. Such a powerfully evocative string of images and observations, so swiftly and lightly brushed that this reader is stunned by the real 1-2 punch, once done. My thanks to whomever forwarded this to me.

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thank you so much :’)

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this is amazing charlie!! Also one of my fav things you’ve written <3

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thank you rayne!! solidarity from the northest of north americans :)

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by charlie squire

as a lifetime new englander who voluntarily fled to CA to escape cold family and cold climate, just to ache for familiarity, this hits the spot.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by charlie squire

This was so good. So much of it spoke into existence things that I've known my whole life, but never really stopped to think about. I also appreciate the stark honesty with which you write. Stay awesome.

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This was such a beautiful thing to read. I’ve never been to new england, but i felt it so strongly. I’d read thousands of pages of this

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there is something different here that shapes people into the way they are more so than anywhere else in the world it feels like. I’ve been trapped in western massachusetts since the day I was born but more often these days I feel grateful for how it’s formed and is forming me. thank you for writing this Charlie, it makes the stupid town I live in feel special

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by charlie squire

i'm gonna end up reading this twenty more times. i'd love to move far far away but i think i'd implode if i left new england.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by charlie squire

this is beautiful. i’m bad at descriptors but this is so good.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by charlie squire

strange how most of this is very unfamiliar to me, as someone from central appalachia, and still yet, so familiar.

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This is so so wonderful. One of my favorite short-form pieces I’ve ever read. My grandparents live in Newton, MA and have a tiny cabin with no septic system just outside of Fall River and boy did you hit the nail on the head with this one. New England is the weirdest goddamn amalgamation of American Americans of all kinds and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. You captured its spirit 100%.

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thank you so much! :’)

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‘A terrible beauty…’ - W.B. Yeats

Brava! Charlie Squires! Brava!

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by charlie squire

jesus christ i love new england

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by charlie squire

babe wake up evil female posted

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:0 <3

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